Thursday, 5 November 2009

New Myspace!

With the new album out/on it's way, it was high time that they updated their myspace! With plenty of extras that hopefully you'll care about! Have some Zebrahead banners you can post places, links to the iTunes store (where Broadcast to the World and Phoenix are back on the iTune catalog) and an exclusive wallpaper for the upcoming album! It's also just a great way to keep up to date on Zebrahead news. Even a banner for Postcards From Hell! (This site) So go check out the new Myspace, leave a comment, grab the banners, do something!

Speaking of this new album, if you haven't already bought it you can buy it from HMV. There are also 45 second clips of every song for you to preview in case you aren't completely convinced that Zebrahead can make a quality cover album.


julio said...

what do you mean BTTW and Phoenix are back in itunes...
what happened to them...?

i heard the previews on HMV and they are awesome btw

dataDyneDaz said...

Colin new MySpace is great. Loving the PFH banner too ;-)

Anonymous said...

How do you listen to the previews? When I click on the listen button it just downloads the files which my laptop does not recognize..

ColinStein said...

I think we should update PFH, it's been years since we've done this and I know I for one have gotten better.

ColinStein said...

I dunno? When I clicked preview (I didn't listen to the whole thing) it just started playing.

julio said...

to me on my computer i put play and it opens on a new window...and then it starts playing and then i can choose which preview i can listen to...